I live from day to day with a bleeding heart as I witness how we, professing and born-again Christians appear to not be spiritually conscious...and fail to trust our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to take care of us during our time of tests and/or trials.
There's no doubt that our physical heart can suffer damage. The body learns to make adjustments and to survive with medical attention and proper care.
On the other hand our human spirit suffer emotional damage...often referred to as "broken-heart." We become saddened, depressed, hurt, and experience lonliness. We also become angry, unpleasant, defensive and arrogant.
When our heart is broken we often seek comfort and/or attention from different trusted or familiar sources; friends, relatives, counselors, the clergy and co-workers. Also, alcohol consumption, drugs, and illicit sex.
A broken-heart demands attention. We learn to pretend day to day; we learn to hide our true feelings and to act happy while really hurting.
Our heart-break may result from different areas; but every heart-break is painful. We don't choose our tests and/or trials. No one will ask for a broken heart...in life things happen. While traveling through life we make bad choices and sow seeds that result in pain. We will experience disappointments, deceit, abuse,disrespect, and rejection; just to mention a few...but all has purpose and works together for our good. There is light at the end of the tunnel and we only need to focus on the light that will lead us through.
I've decided that every day I will remember that I'm a born-again Sprit-filled Christian, I'm a woman, a mother, a daughter(parents deceased) a sister and a friend. I live in a physical body and experience emotions. I'm not a lone ranger...there are many of us in God's family. Every day of victory produces a stronger 'will' to stand and give God the glory. I realize that my 'faith' is increased and my desire to obey the Lord becomes more intense. I learn with every bleeding heart-beat that all the praise and glory belongs to God;that my purpose is to let my life reflect the love of God and to share this love with others. Sure, no one wants to suffer...but must become willing to remain faithful and to trust the Lord for deliverance.
I survive heart-break by remembering that God is concerned about everything that concerns me and that He is faithful to keep His promises. His grace is sufficient for me. The joy of knowing this gives me strength to stay focused. What a testimony to share with others; our overcoming heart-break experience.
We'll never grow in 'faith' without learning what it means to trust the Lord.
Our deliverance is found in accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior, believing and obeying the word of God.
Humility before honor(Proverbs 18:12).