Monday, May 30, 2011

We Have Freedom to Give and to Receive

During our stay on this earth and as we take our journey; we're encompassed by three main forces that can/will direct our path:

1) The power of God,

2) The influence of Satan, and

3) The freedom of choice.

Whatever situation or experience we witness during our life's journey is determined by our knowledge and our reaction to either of these main forces. Our decision(s) will affect and/or determine our life's consequences.

None of us desire to experience heartbreak, failure or disappointment. We all want to be loved, accepted and appreciated. We are free to receive love, to share happiness, to experience joy and to live in peace while on this earth.

Our Heavenly Father(God) has given us the measure of faith. He has made knowledge, wisdom and understanding available to each of us. He has no respector of persons.

We have freedom to give and to receive.


Photo: My youngest grandson; Chancellor Hampton Martin

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Mothers Are Lovers

Mother: Source of beginnings, provider of love, provider of wisdom and provider of protection.

Always there, always share and will always care.

All mothers may not be 'biological'. But all mothers are blessed with faith, ability to love, nuture, provide, protect, instruct, discipline, share and to care for those whom they have been given opportunity of responsibility. No thing can replace the joy and power of 'motherhood'. 'Motherhood' is the 'will' of the Lord to sustain the beauty and strength of the family...a divine reflection of 'love'.

God has given mothers mounds of strength, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. They're creative, loving, kind, compassionate, longsuffering and forgiving. They're always willing to go that extra mile. Mothers will keep secrets, edify, encourage and exhort. Mothers are 'Lovers'.

Yes, this is our day,

We've made it here to celebrate

God's blessings as we pray;

We honor and glorify our Lord

for lending our children to us,

Just a few days to nurture

As we learn, in Him to trust;

One day you'll be all grown up

with children of your own,

I plan to stay around and see,

how many grands you'll give to me;

Enjoy your precious time with them...

for soon they'll be off and gone.

