This being a subject that initiates different opinions and possibly acted upon according to varying statues of different states,within our union,other countries and cultures of this earth; we would not be able to touch on any basic points without referring to the law of all laws, our Holy Bible, from which our union was formed and laws were established upon.
In the Holy Bible the scriptures tell us about the first man on earth,how and why he existed then, and the plan for man as a whole. In remembering man's beginning, we must think of his purpose at that time. Man was made because he was part of God's master plan,(Gen.1:26-5:5)shows us the natural man in his original and intended glory, in the extremity of his fall, and in the possibilities which yet remain to him as man. Man as a whole today is not Adam, but the facts of his obedient expectations are yet remaining. Man was the crown of God's Creations; his obedience, was and is one of his most important duties.
OBEDIENCE: Man is first to be obedient to the Word of God,this is his first duty, because God is Master of him and soul. Man is to be obedient to his elders, this pleases God. Man is to obey the laws of the land, because they were established by the Word of God, and man makes the laws, so then he is expected to obey them. He is to be obedient to his superiors on a given duty, task, job,etc., that he has been assigned to, because this duty, task, job or whatever has been entrusted to him to carry out by the orders of his superior in being obedient to him. Man is to be obedient to his leaders in the knowledge of God and His will for him because first of all the leaders were set up in the church in order for man to be taught of God's master plan for his existance and the way he can obtain spiritual guidance.
PROVIDER: Man being entrusted with the power of choosing a companion, he is to remember the laws of God, in so doing, and the laws of the land in which he expects to live and provide for his companion. It is his duty to provide for his own companion and family. He was not only given the opportunity to choose his companion but he made vows that he would be a provider for her. In providing for his family, man is to be honest. There are ways of providing that pleases God and will cause no trouble to man, then there are ways man may consider as survival that can gender strife, hatred, and even cause death. Man is constantly searching for how, why, what, when and where, concerning the aspects of this earth. This too is man's duty which falls under the category of survival. Man has to be able to produce in order to survive. Man was destined to have dominion over things of the earth; he had dominion over the earth, it was left to man to obey, replinish, multiply and enjoy what was set before him.
LEADERSHIP: Man has been given the laws of God and told of his expectations for happiness now and in the world to come. Man was instructed to get knowledge, understanding and to use wisdom; these facts will prepare him for leadership. In order for man to be a good leader he has to first be a good follower. In being a good follower, he learns what leadership is all about. If he obeys his leaders, then he will be justified to expect his followers to obey him. In order for man to be a good leader he has to be a partaker of his own teachings and be an example to his followers. He should be able to master leadership in his home first, in the church, at school, in civic affairs and on the job that he has been entrusted to take this position.
HUMBLE/FAITHFUL: Out of all the expectations of man, both naturally and spiritually;man has to be humble, and faithful. He is to suffer humility because his Master suffered for his sake, being an example to him. In so doing, man has to be faithful, he has to believe in himself before expecting someone else to do so. This belief is shown through faith. Man is to give orders, and to discipline considering himself.
RESPECTFULNESS: Man is to first respect himself in order to obtain respect. He must respect his elders, leaders, family, superiors, and all mankind for who they are.
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth (Gen. 1:26).
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