Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Holiness is the only way,
That we'll meet the Lord in peace someday;
Holding up the blood stained banner,
And living in a holy manner;

Only in the Word of God,
We'll find rest for our soul, and peace for our heart;
Obeying His ev'ry command,
As He gives strength and knowledge to understand,

Standing against the wiles of Satan,
Not yielding to sin and temptation;
Loving thy neighbor as thyself,
Sharing and giving till nothing is left;

With gladness within the heart,
Knowing this is the will of God;
Yes, life is sweet and filled with joy,
As we climb higher in the Lord;

Climbing a ladder invisible to man,
Holding on to God's unchanging hand;
Believing with all thy heart,
There's only one true living God;

Lord of Lords is He,
None other power can set man free;
Included in the Word of God,
Is nothing unseemly and nothing hard;

The way of eternal life is written therein,
As promised to all holy men;
Because of God's love for man,
He sent His Son and salvation plan;

That through His holy name,
Eternal life is there to gain;
Love this great came from above,
In the beauty and likeness of a dove;

If all to Him we freely give,
His Word says we shall surely live;
Ev'ry Christian should take a part,
In leading lost souls to God;

This is a small price to pay,
For eternal life someday;
A life we're striving to receive,
And will, if we read, accept, and believe.

Submitted from: Complete Bits and Pieces

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