THE COURAGES WOMANThere's no hope in life for the future
without the existence of a woman,
There'd never be a boy nor girl,
to enter into this world;
Neither would there be a thing called "birth,"
taking place upon this earth;
There're women of ev'ry type,
some are loved and some disliked;
There's the bold, the beautiful, the young and the old,
each with her place and position to hold;
There's also a courageous few,
who cares for sisters, brothers, friends and others too;
Filled with determination to serve mankind,
hoping that her struggling is soon to find,
her people delivered from the enemy's bind;
The courageous woman does not give up
when her future begins to look dim,
But keeps on believing no matter how grim;
Yes, this fight is that of a courageous woman
whose heart is not bound with fear,
one who is strong, compassionate, loving and dear;
It takes a courageous woman to strive
for the happiness and freedom of others,
Especially, when the highest mountains to climb
are presented by her own
sisters and brothers.