not against my will,
but with all that pleases;
Doing what my Lord commands,
is my heart's desire,
and only His love sets my soul afire!
Come all of you,
praise Him with me,

try my Lord's plan,
it'll surely set you free;
Rise up, stand to your feet,
you'll see,
in Him is the best place to be;
Open your heart's door,
receive His unconditional love,
forever more;
NOW is your time, reach out to Him,
refuse sin's darkness, repent,
believe, and He'll walk in;
All who comes He will not turn away,
So, take the first step
while it's still day;
Talk to our Savior,
His arms awaits you,
For all your sins,
He died too;
Only in Him all peace lies,
nothing upon this earth truly satifies;
I know on Him you can surely depend,
His grace is sufficient,
and love never ends;
Today is your time to come,
take your place in JESUS,
God's only begotten SON.
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