As he spoke edifying and encouraging words;
Reaching the heart and mind of most people,
...depending on guidance and courage of his Keeper;
Thoughtful of the impressions he'd leave behind,
In concerned hearts and open minds;
Never seeming to let his tiredness show,
...as he spoke and traveled to and fro;
Letting his love and understanding freely flow,
...and caring for those whom he didn't know;
Unselfishly seeking ways to make the Black, the poor and oppressed free,
The way he knew God meant it to be;
...though many times falsely accused,
and ridiculed;
His dream still lives within us today,
...and gives us all hope for a better tomorrow,
Erasing memories of sadness, many tears and much sorrow;
Reaching high to accomplish goals appointed to him,
...there were times success looked hopeless and dim;
Enjoyment and the folly of life didn't corrupt his mind,
...as he left his beloved family behind;
He respected opinions and decisions of his fellowman,
...when some would disagree or fail to understand;
His focus was justice and peace for ALL mankind,
...he knew would come in its season and time;
Kindness shone all over his being,
In his mode of living, in his willingness to suffer, and in the power emanating from his voice as he shouted,
"Let freedom ring!!" "Let freedom ring!!"
Not discouraged by other's doubt,
...he knew that his dream for equality would be carried out;
Gone now from our daily reach,
...but his methods we shall continue to teach;
REVERAND MARTIN LUTHER KING, the Black man who had THE dream.
This poem was selected for revision from a previous submission. ***********************************************************************************
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