Saturday, February 5, 2011

Love: "I Do"

" Love" as defined by Webster: affection based on admiration or benevolence; a warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion; unselfish concern that freely accepts another in loyalty and seeks his good; the fatherly concern of God for man; and man's adoration of God.

"Love" as described by the Holy Scriptures: first commandment(Matt.22:37,38); with all the heart (Matt. 22:37); sign of true faith (John 8:42); manifested in obedience (John 14:15, 21, 23). Second command (Matt. 22:37-39); commanded by Christ (John 13:34); in detail (ICor. 13:1-13).

February 14th, Valentine's Day; the date our society uses to express, in a special way, how we feel about spouses, children, relatives, friends and co-workers. We send well selected cards, favorite candy, lovely flowers/roses, go out together for a delicious dinner and/or make plans to attend some special event. We have many ways to express our 'love' one to another. Also, there're times we even reach out to others in effort to show our 'love.'

'Love' encourages, strengthens and satisfies;

even when denied and pushed aside;

It bears up those who're broken,
distraught, criticized,
victimized, ostracized
and often cried;
It suffers long,
seeks not its own;
'Love' reaches out to those who're left alone,
with no one to call their own;
It rescues those who're in despair,
expresses concern, and brotherly care,
any day, any time, and anywhere;
'Love' the most powerful passion mankind can share.
Ask me, "do I love you ?"
You bet your love for me, I do!


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