Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Martin Luther King- SWEET DREAMS

Marching was his method of receiving attention and of being heard,
As he spoke edifying and encouraging words;
Reaching the heart and mind of most people,
...depending on guidance and courage of his Keeper;
Thoughtful of the impressions he'd leave behind,
In concerned hearts and open minds;
Never seeming to let his tiredness show,
...as he spoke and traveled to and fro;
Letting his love and understanding freely flow,
...and caring for those whom he didn't know;
Unselfishly seeking ways to make the Black, the poor and oppressed free,
The way he knew God meant it to be;
...though many times falsely accused,
and ridiculed;
His dream still lives within us today,
...and gives us all hope for a better tomorrow,
Erasing memories of sadness, many tears and much sorrow;
Reaching high to accomplish goals appointed to him,
...there were times success looked hopeless and dim;
Enjoyment and the folly of life didn't corrupt his mind,
...as he left his beloved family behind;
He respected opinions and decisions of his fellowman,
...when some would disagree or fail to understand;
His focus was justice and peace for ALL mankind,
...he knew would come in its season and time;
Kindness shone all over his being,
In his mode of living, in his willingness to suffer, and in the power emanating from his voice as he shouted,
"Let freedom ring!!" "Let freedom ring!!"
Not discouraged by other's doubt,
...he knew that his dream for equality would be carried out;
Gone now from our daily reach,
...but his methods we shall continue to teach;
REVERAND MARTIN LUTHER KING, the Black man who had THE dream.
This poem was selected for revision from a previous submission. ***********************************************************************************

Saturday, November 6, 2010


We arise...blessed to see another beautiful morning
that our precious Lord has made,
We've slept all night...
while the angels watched over us...
keeping us safe;
with "glory to God in the highest" on our lips,
joy overflowing our hearts...
to Him we give all the praise,
for another opportunity to make a new start,
We thank Him now, forever, and always...
for all the time of our earthly days.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

If for some reason
you have not come to realize,
that parents are as human as you...
they make errors,
they feel pain,
they have fears,
yes, also cries;
they have dreams,
they have hopes,
they want what's best,
they have doubts,
they rebel,
they refuse,
and make bad choices,
yes, also fail their test;
Now that you've been informed,
be sure to keep these facts in mind,
so you'll be wise and know what to do,
when you become a parent too.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Webster defines grandparent as a parent's parent; grandfather, a father's or mother's father, a male ancestor and grandmother, the mother of one's father or mother; a female ancestor.

How beautiful our Father God has designed the Human Race to be reproductive...we're designed to have family, to reproduce and witness production;to share and to pass on traditions of our love ones. Most importantly; to recognize, respect, instruct and to encourage our love ones to obey and to worship Him.

The family who witnesses and shares the life of a grandparent or grandparents is a truly blessed family. Grandparents are great sources of wisdom, family history and experiences that can be shared with their grandchildren. They're the source of the family's past, the family's wisdom and the family's strength.

Grandchildren are blessings to grandparents; they bring unspeakable joy and happiness to the family...they're reflectors of God's love, they give grandparents a second chance to shower love upon the fruit of their offsprings; to impart truths that will open doors for success, and share experiences/testimonies about the reality of a life lived for Jesus Christ.

My testimony is that I am a blessed mother, grandmother and great-grandmother; I thank the Lord for five(5) children and their spouses: Karen(Dele), Robert(Nikki), Kathy(Larry), Kevin(Autumn), and Kofi; ten(10) grandchildren: Christina, Deborah, Estelle, DeVarus, DeMarcus, Christian, Christopher, Chancellor, Shanquala and Kinley...and four(4) great-grandchildren: Daniel, Jonathan, Matthew and Eva.

Love to all my offsprings. Praise the Lord!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck , write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ...these are words to live by...we can only be blessed when we take heed and begin to practice what the word says to us.

There is much talk , fear and concern about what is happening in this country's economy; let's keep in mind that our survival is never dependent upon what is going on around us...but what our Father has promised to all who walk in the Spirit and not mind the things of the flesh. He is faithful to keep His promises...He is our Source.

I have experienced loss, humiliation, frustration, fear and anger...to name a few; but my Lord spoke to me and reminded me that His grace is sufficient, that He is still in charge and that He is still concerned about everything that concerns me.

I know that He has no respector of persons. He's our Father and loves us unconditionally. Let us be encouraged to depend upon Him...to share our blessings with others and testify of His goodness. Let's praise Him at all times...He is worthy.
Scriptures: Proverbs 3:3-7

Sunday, August 1, 2010


It's no doubt in my mind that we who are Christian parents have experienced many challenges that were all but 'failing.' Many of us can look back and realize that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ covered us with His cloak of Grace and Mercy...in just the nick of time...He lifted us to safety and soundness of mind. I praise Him!!!

I am happy to share this testimony with you all... every day I realize that I'm an overcomer because I share the goodness of the Lord...testifying of His glory, His goodness, His compassion, the joy and peace that He pours into my heart. Nothing...yes, 'no thing' can come near to comparison. My God IS AWESOME!!!


My son, Kofi Mandela Martin, whom had no physical contact with his biological father for 22 years...was blessed to finally meet and visit with him during the month of July. This meeting and visit was an answer to my prayer... as well as desires of Kofi and his father.

Regardless of the situation that separated Kofi and his father; I purposed in my heart to maintain a civil relationship with him and to make sure that Kofi knew of him. This was a challenge for my flesh...there was much bitterness to overcome and there were many teary-eyed days and nights, also fear of failure as an older mother. Prayer, faith and patience brought me through. I praise the Lord for His love, grace, long-suffering, and mercy.

Jesus brought me and my son through many challenges. He and his father had a great visit and the three of us have found an abundance of peace. All is well. AMEN!!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Today is set aside to show appreciation, give good wishes, heap mountains of love, respect and honor upon the mother, grandmother, or great-grandmother who nurtured, mentored, and cared for you. This person who spent many days, nights, and countless hours wondering if you were safe,warm,hungry, or well. This person who shed tears of joy when you received recognition for completing the science, math, or English project timely; for making the winning shot, field goal, the putt, or the goalie for the team; for playing the band or concert music perfectly; for standing tall and maintaining moral standards when falsely accused, and for representing your family, friends and peers favorably.
This person has watched you grow to a stage of maturity that presented you with opportunities of development that often times caused you to seek for strength to persevere. This person watched and prayed as you learned that humility comes before honor...that perfection is not always rewarded, and all goals are not necessarily met...that some dreams turn into nightmares, and that some people are not always honest.
This person shared her experiences, challenges and successes with you. This person guided you...she was there as you learned that life is to be appreciated no matter what the situation. You learned that you make the decisions as how you will deal with your issues. This person was there to help you up if/when you had a fall. She was there...even though there were times that you felt alone. You could always look around and see her love covering you as she knew that God's love was covering her.
Your mother the nurturer.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Mother will help you find your way,
as you prepare to begin your day;
At your service she'll always be,
caring and praying for you to see;
As you mature,
that you'll be sure,
and understand,
God's purpose for you and His plan;
Mother desires what is best for her child,
thoughts of you causes her face to smile;
Cheerful thoughts occupies her mind,
as she guides you through barriers of time;
From conception to birth, all through your life...in her heart you'll always be,
For you're part of her...today...throughout eternity.
May I help you?
At your service..
Yours now and forever.
Love, Always Mom

Sunday, March 28, 2010


The love of many is waxing cold,

discouraged... forgotten

whose hand to hold;

Giving in to fear as in days of old;

losing sight of the end...

when the sky will scroll;

then Jesus appears within the cloud,

the trumpets sound...worship and praise

will be so loud;

He'll gather ev'ry watchful soul,

Keeping His promise

as the Prophets foretold;

Taking believers unto Himself,

for none of His will be left;

perfected in the Potter's mold,

With Him to forever be,

loosed from the bonds of slavery;

...doubt...fear...sin no more...

delivered from the enemy of God

...the evil liar;

...who's tossed down to his abode,

the place of brimstone, sulfur and fire.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

I can only speak
the truth of what I know,
I can only witness
the facts of life as I grow,
I can only agree
to what is real to me,
I can only be sure
of what the Lord allows me to see,
I can only pray
that my brothers and sisters
find their way,
I can truly say,
"I know God loves us all
each and ev'ry day."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Saturday, March 13, 2010


As we arise from slumber and sleep,
eyes open...
stretching and yawning,
let's hold fast to each day's dawning,
Let's appreciate God's breath,
ev'ry second,
ev'ry minute,
ev'ry hour,
we're still here...
by God's power,
we didn't embrace the kiss of death;
Let's reach high...
reach for the stars,
smile at the big blue sky;
be happy,
be glad,
no time to be sad;
Let's applaud our blessed existance,
our life is not by chance,
We're God's choice,
and God's plan;
So, as we kneel to worship and pray;
Let's cherish this and ev'ry day.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Love is not:

...a giddy emotion,

...a sex appeal,

...a well written song,

...or a moment in time;

Love is:

...a reality to suffer,

...a walk by 'faith',

...a language of truth,

...and a state of being.



Sunday, February 7, 2010


Much joy and sunshine you bring,
As fresh as a day of Spring;
In a very special way....
your care and concern
day by day,
you're hoping, trusting, believing
and looking forward to receiving;
eternal happiness...
your goal...
locked deep within your soul;
This desire... buried as deep as depth,
...there to remain...
with all your hope and love...
you're willing to share till nothing is left,
with the special someone who feels the same;
You're one of a kind...a very special breed,
you occupy thoughts of the mind;
Your love...forever... as you work out your plan,
for you know if there's failure...you'll try again;
You believe you can make things work,
in your time and at your command;
While reaching for the stars and holding on tight,
so when the sun goes down...
your dreams are sure
to take you through the night.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


When we learn to put away our automatic reactions, to listen carefully and to hear the heart of the other person; we can build bridges across diversities and strengthen all of our relationships.


It hurts so deeply
Our disclosed moments
I knew it would come to this
"Quiet moments" we said, "who can be hurt, only we will know."

Needless to care now, our thirst
was costly
Neither of us were blind
You have another
I have mine
It's fair that we pay the debt.

Even so...
Every second we shared was ebulliently spent,
Dawn is fastly approaching,
Caught again
Oh no, not now---please stand still
Day will soon capture us.

I'm here
You're there,
Both waiting
Again at midnight, I'll meet you
Our dreams will bring us back together.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


According to Webster...nurturing is defined as, nursing; to nourish; to supply with nourishments; educate to further the development of.

I would say that within the family( two-parent household)...the mother's role is to nurture...mothers were provided with the God-given anatomy to nuture by producing their child's/children's first meal. Mothers are born to nurture. The father's role is to provide for his child/children, to protect and to discipline(teach and admonish.) Both have their responsibilities
. However, in today's society...I have witnessed both roles displayed interchangeably. I suppose that as parents; in any given situation...both will fill in wherever the need arises. The mother oftentime will find herself working outside the home to help make ends meet or to be the sole provider. She will also protect her child/children as well as provide discipline(teach and admonish.) The father will do whatever he can to nurture his child/children when the need arises...he will find a solution to feed his child/children as he dose not have the God-given anatomy. In otherwords, whatever is the situation...their child/children are not left without having their needs met. Parents will give up their desires for things they may have longed for in effort to provide an environment of joy, peace, and happiness as well as food, shelter, clothing and education for their child/children.

Within the one-parent household; be it mother or father...the child/children have the same needs; nurturing, providing for, protecting and disciplining. Parenting must go on. No child/children should be left alone. So, regardless to the situation, the parent is determined to do what has to be done to cover the child's/children's needs, to provide joy, peace, and happiness as well as food, shelter, clothing and education. The parent will NOT push their responsibilities aside.

Parents love their child/children and do not want their child/children to suffer for any good thing. They know how to give good gifts. Parents love their child/children regardless to their disrespect, disobedience, dishonesty, disloyalty and/or an unappreciative attitude. LOVE gives...and covers multitudes
of SIN.

As parents watch their child/children reach different levels of growth and take paths that they didn't learn in the home...they're reminded that once upon a time...they were THERE. Parents are reminded that if it had not been for the prayers of their parents, grandparents, church family and all who loved the Lord they would not have been caring parents. Parents recognize that had it not been for the love of God and sacrifice of Jesus, they would've never experienced this GREAT LOVE that they are so eager to shower on their child/children.

I am a parent who witnessed both sides of parenthood...with and without a spouse. I know that if it had not been for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ...I would not have survived. I am a witness that He is the only 'true' Source that can and will always be with me. I've witnessed miraculous blessings of love, joy, peace, and happiness. I remember that Jesus
gave His life for me. I realize that all I may do or have done for my child/children...Jesus has done more for me. When I have done all that I can do...and feel that I've given my best...and my child/children respond to me with disobedience, disrespect, dishonesty, disloyalty, and an unappreciative attutude; I, as a parent will experience far less pain than my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ experienced during my days when I too walked in disobedience, disrespect, dishonesty, disloyalty, and with an unappreciative attitude.

We know that Jesus is our Nurturer and Provider...He deserves our best at ALL times. Yes, at ALL times.

We learn that as parents...our experiences with child-rearing can be painful. We MUST pull down strongholds that imprision our child/children. As we stand in the gap for our child/children...Jesus stands in gap for us.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Two Thousand Ten

A new time to begin,

your call in faith,

determined to win,

your position,

your place,

while running this race;

Prepare to 'fast',

remember to study,
to be approved

for strength to last,
make time to pray,


hear your Father say,

"believe , accept, receive,

trust in Me...I'm here...

and ALL you'll ever need."
