Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Mother's Prayer
To all my precious children in Christ,
I'm blessed to be your mom and have you in my life;
In our commitment to Jesus,
many days we'll fail as pleasers;
Yet, He'll love us nonetheless,
For He gave His life to give us His best;
So, when our days are not so joyous,
Let's keep in mind that He suffered for us;
Our enemy will never stop, slow down, or give in,
though he's defeated and cannot win;
Our Jesus, so sweet, loving and kind,
knows our heart, our thoughts and our mind;
There's none other who loves and nurtures like Him,
And especially when our way seems hopeless and dim;
He gave His life and shed His blood,
and nothing surpasses His unconditional LOVE;
Dear children, my prayer and desire is that you...
study to show yourselves approved,
obey His word,
walk in the Spirit,
keep the faith,
give Him the glory, give Him the praise;
For this is the least you and I can do.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


A family begins by the power given to man,
To bring forth, to establish and to enjoy this land;
Power was granted from God above,
The price to pay... un-selfish love;
A family is crippled without a Christian man,
One that's loving and kind, and with patience
does all he can to provide, to care and understand;
Oh, how sweet it would be,
if all fathers could see
the beauty within a Christian home where true love
and respect flows free;
This power is given to man from God above,
If only man would accept and appreciate
this priceless gift... unconditional love;
It takes a REAL father to agree, accept and to understand,
that his family was begun by his desire and by his plan;
So, when times get hard and all uptight;
He's responsible to stay there,
not to mumble, grumble and gripe,
But keep love flowing... his family knowing
that he'll be there through the storms...till the dark
clouds pass and ev'ry things alright;
This too is power granted to man
from God above,
all because of love;
So, dear fathers of today,
who has a family or one on the way;
Don't let your family become a burden on other
peoples' hands,
Stand up and be counted as a REAL man,
doing the very best that you can.
An exhortation to fathers.

There's no hope in life for the future
without the existence of a woman,
There'd never be a boy nor girl,
to enter into this world;
Neither would there be a thing called "birth,"
taking place upon this earth;
There're women of ev'ry type,
some are loved and some disliked;
There's the bold, the beautiful, the young and the old,
each with her place and position to hold;
There's also a courageous few,
who cares for sisters, brothers, friends and others too;
Filled with determination to serve mankind,
hoping that her struggling is soon to find,
her people delivered from the enemy's bind;
The courageous woman does not give up
when her future begins to look dim,
But keeps on believing no matter how grim;
Yes, this fight is that of a courageous woman
whose heart is not bound with fear,
one who is strong, compassionate, loving and dear;
It takes a courageous woman to strive
for the happiness and freedom of others,
Especially, when the highest mountains to climb
are presented by her own
sisters and brothers.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Two Kinds of Wisdom
Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, his deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitterness, envy, and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such "wisdom" does not come down from Heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and every evil practice.
But the wisdom that comes from Heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.
Supporting Scripture: James 3:13-18