Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Mother's Prayer
To all my precious children in Christ,
I'm blessed to be your mom and have you in my life;
In our commitment to Jesus,
many days we'll fail as pleasers;
Yet, He'll love us nonetheless,
For He gave His life to give us His best;
So, when our days are not so joyous,
Let's keep in mind that He suffered for us;
Our enemy will never stop, slow down, or give in,
though he's defeated and cannot win;
Our Jesus, so sweet, loving and kind,
knows our heart, our thoughts and our mind;
There's none other who loves and nurtures like Him,
And especially when our way seems hopeless and dim;
He gave His life and shed His blood,
and nothing surpasses His unconditional LOVE;
Dear children, my prayer and desire is that you...
study to show yourselves approved,
obey His word,
walk in the Spirit,
keep the faith,
give Him the glory, give Him the praise;
For this is the least you and I can do.

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