Webster defines "freedom" as the quality or state of being free: as action; liberation from slavery or restraint, or from the power of another. A political right; a privilege.
The Holy Bible defines "freedom" as unrestricted action( Open Bible edition).
In observing both definitions of the word, "freedom"; it came to mind that "freedom" is an action that produces results. And, I'm convinced that whatever action(s) we choose will result in an experience...positive or negative consequence.
I'm reminded of how often in our mind we make decisions that lead to choices that may result in painful experiences for ourselves, our love ones as well as others.
Sometimes we're guilty of using our "freedom" as an instrument to support our choice of selfish acts and not considering the consequence.
We will without a doubt gravitate towards disobedience when we begin to entertain selfish( it's all about me and what I want) thoughts. The tempter(Satan) makes the way to disobey easy by removing ALL fear of consequences. Jessie Duplantis made a vital observation during one of his messages. He said, "There's always an inward defeat before there's an outward one." I wholeheartedly agree and know from personal experience that the flesh is at constant war against the Spirit. We must realize this fact and become submissive to the voice of God who speaks to us, and choose to walk in the Spirit. We will be blessed. Doing what is right will bring honor to us, to our love ones and to others, and will most importantly, glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The following poem expresses what the mind of a repentant child (who had used "freedom" and chose disobedience) revealed to their mother...a mother who refused to give in, to give up or to stop praying and believing God for her child's deliverance and return to God. Real "Freedom" is in Him.
I praise God for you, Mom,
I'm back,
On the right track,
I'm headed for my Heavenly home,
Where I belong;
I know you've spent many restless nights,
Praying for me,
That I'll be alright;
I know that I caused you much sadness and sorrow,
Even at times...
Your last dime,
And all you could scrap and borrow;
I've caused your heart to throb and to ache,
Because I refused to give,
Always eager to take;
All night roaming, rambling,
Drinking hard liquor,
Cussing and gambling;
I was disgusting and shamful to see,
And now I bear the scars of the world on me;
No matter where I go, they'll not be hid,
And all because of what I did;
Oh!! how I praise Jesus, the Son of God,
For cleansing and purifying my heart;
I'm so happy to be delivered and free,
Mom, now I know you refused to give in,
Or to give up,
And, you didn't stop praying for me.
Thank you and I love you.
Words of Encouragement: " Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God's grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God's grace.
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