SOUL- Our inner life with which we have ability to believe, to love God, to suffer, to sin, to prosper, and to survive death. The dimension which deals with the mental realm. Our intellect. The sensibilities and will. The part that reasons and thinks. The part that feels; the seat of the emotions, passions, appetites, and desires. Our soul may be considered the battle-ground of the flesh and spirit(Romans 8:1-13; Galatians 5:16-26). Our soul is to be saved, (James 1:19-21; Romans 12:2; Psalm 23). We are to renew our "minds" through the Word.
Guard, according to Webster...is the act or duty of protecting or defending; to protect from danger.
According to our Holy Bible...'guard' is to keep watch.
Now, how are we to guard our soul? The Word of God says that we must seek the Lord(Deut. 4:29), love the Lord(Deut. 6:5), serve the Lord (Deut. 10:12), store God's Word (Deut. 11:18), keep God's law (Deut. 26:16), obey God (Deut. 30:2, 6, 10) and get wisdom.
While on Earth we are to be mindful of our responsibility to protect our soul from the wiles(trickery, lure, and enticements) of Satan (2 Cor. 11:3; 13-15). We are accountable for what we allow to enter our mind gate, our ear gate, and our eye gate. We must allow the Holy Spirit to filter what enters these areas. We must watch as well as pray. We must seek God's will and purpose for our life. Ephesians 6:11 teaches that we must put on the whole armor (truth, righteousness, and the gospel of peace (Ephesians 6:14). We must be sure to take the shield of 'faith' the vital part of our armor. 'Faith' honors God, and God always honor 'faith'. Whatsoever is NOT of 'faith' is SIN (Romans 14:23).
We who are born-again, Spirit-filled Christians are to avoid idleness, gossiping, and using precious time with fruitless acts that only provide selfish gain. Let's not flirt with Satan; whose desire is to steal, to kill and to destroy every thing God has prepared for and promised us.
Satan is NOT our friend,
his only aim is to deceive us,
and to lock us deep in sin;
with wages that result in death..,
(eternal separation from God) in the end.
We MUST keep in mind that Jesus paid the price for our salvation when He gave His life for us, and that He alone deserves our total obedience, praise and worship. Let us guard our soul.
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