Wednesday, October 26, 2011

You Too

Sitting alone with head in hands,

Struggling with what might be your life's plan;

Confused by daily fears and pain,

And untrue friends who falsely claim;

They're there for you until the end,

Only to leave when your trials begin;

There's help for all of us,

From someone whom we certainly can trust;

One who will never cease to care,

And will keep us safe regardless to where;

His love is real and will always be,

In Him we're blessed and forever free;

So, we don't have to sit alone,

With head in hands and joy is gone;

You nor I ,

Have to cry;

To feel mistreated,

Depressed and defeated;

Let's reach up during times of stress,

And praise our Lord who continues to bless;

Now is our time,

To rise and shine;

To take our stand,

To worship this Man;

For Him this is the least we can do,

He gave His all for me and you too.


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