Tuesday, February 17, 2009


How can you tell me to keep it real,
you've never taken a step in my shoes,
so there's no way you can know how I feel,
You're not even sure if I was careful to choose;
But let me assure you of this today,
nothing that's real disappears,
or ever grows old,
use your mem'ry, turn your life's page,
then open your mind, hear it say,
"realness has no age,
for it's deeply rooted within the soul;"
You've never experienced my pain
nor witnessed my fears,
You weren't there when I cried till my eyes
were swollen and my cheeks
drenched with tears;
Take heed and be aware,
I only encourage you
because I truly do care;
These words I must share with you;
sincere compassion and
true concern
will open the mind of your heart,
sit quietly...(shhh),
listen, believe, accept
and learn;
Only then will you understand that
the seeds you sow
will surely grow;
once the crops are fully grown,
the harvest you reap will be your own;
So with the spirit of a peaceful dove,
glide upon your life's shore,
keep the faith,
walk in LOVE;
you're sure to find God's open door;
Then you can say,
"I'm keeping it real,
I've sown my seeds,
I've reaped my harvest,
and now I know how it feels."
"The Lord upholds all those who fall and
lifts up all who are bowed down." Psalm 145:14

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