Saturday, May 9, 2009


Mother's Day is a special day to express love and gratitude for our mothers,
For all the kind deeds you have done for your children, as well as for many others;
Mothers, you are dear, sweet, compassionate, also understanding, and have done your very best,
You have trodded paths of grief, suffered pain,
disappointments and shame,
Yet you passed every test;
Mothers, we're so proud of you today, and all the whole year through,
And our sincere desire is to show our love, and to never fail you;
Mothers dear we'd also like to say,
We're praying for your comfort and happiness in a very special way;
These words written here are very few, but comes from the depths of our heart,
And we realize that this is the most important part;
Gifts, flowers, and cards are very nice to express our thoughtfulness too,
Yet nothing surpasses saying these words,
" mother dear, we truly love you."

Selection from: Complete Bits and Pieces

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